What Do You Do When You Have To File A Claim With Your Own Insurance Company?

An accident can occur anytime and that is why nobody is prepared for it. It may not even be your fault yet you are left with physical injuries, mental trauma and even disabilities. To tide over the mounting hospital bills, loss of wages and future expenses, you need to file a claim to get the entitled damages. However, trying to do it all on your own without any legal guidance can be detrimental to your case. That is why hiring a personal injury lawyer in Sudbury is vital for the amount of money you stand to get.

You’re filing a first-party claim if you file an insurance claim under one of your policies. It doesn’t matter if it’s liability or homeowner’s insurance. Just keep in mind that you’ll be using different negotiation tactics and doing a bit more negotiation if you ever go this route.

You’ll need to cooperate

Cooperation is vital if you want to see the settlement money from your own insurance company. This means you do the following:

● Notify your insurance company of your personal injury accident immediately after it happens. Note that delaying this will actually hurt your claim and lower the amount of compensation that you can get.
● Let the insurance company see your medical records. You’ll have to sign an authorization release to do this. Remember that the insurance company can’t help you if they don’t have a formal and documented understanding of the exact nature and extent of your injuries.
● If your insurance company makes you get an independent medical exam, make sure that it pays for it. You’ll be able to schedule it on your time. Be sure that you get it in writing what the limits of the exam are. Be sure to show this to the doctor who examines you at examination time.
● Be sure to read the policy carefully if you don’t understand or agree with everything that the insurance company wants/is asking you to do! You can always negotiate by hiring a good personal injury lawyer if you ever reach an impasse.

Don’t sign just anything

Make sure that you sign releases or other information that pertains to your accident and injuries and only that! Don’t sign anything extra. Believe it or not, this can and will actually work against you.

You may also find it advantageous if you divide personal injury lawsuits into the following larger stages: pre-trial, mid-trial, and post-trial.You’ll often be in disagreement when it comes to collecting the judgement. Don’t be surprised if the defendant defaults (sometimes permanently) because of financial distress.You should consult with a personal injury lawyer.