How Will You Prove Fault In Staircase Accidents?

If you have been injured in a stair accident, whether indoors or outside, you may be in a position to file a personal injury lawsuit. The key will be being able to prove that the owner of the premises where the stairs were located was negligent; that is, failed to live up to his or her duty to ensure that the stairs were safe for use.

In order for this type of claim to succeed, however, it must also be established that there was some sort of defect in any part of your fall down those steps — or if not an actual defect, then at least some kind of lack on their behalf which contributed directly towards causing your injuries (i.e., if they did not mark them properly).

Don’t give up too soon do your diligent search

Stair accidents often occur on wet or icy surfaces. But before you give up on any hope of holding anyone responsible for your injuries, take a look at the applicable building code. The one in your state or locality probably requires that landings, steps and other flat surfaces located outdoors are required to be “non-skid” (that is, less slippery).

Slippery surfaces are a major cause of stair accidents. If you’ve ever slipped and fallen on ice, you know how hard it can be to stop yourself from falling face-first into the ground. This is because ice is slippery—and so are most outdoor staircases that don’t have handrails or other non-skid materials installed on them, as per personal injury lawyer in Kingston.

What are building codes and how can they help your injury case?

Building codes often require that specific types of buildings have handrails on each side of all flights of stairs (elevators do not count as stairs). However, even these may not be enough: The most dangerous part about stairs isn’t necessarily the height—it’s also how steep they are! You don’t want to fall while trying to get off at your destination; instead, stay close enough that you could easily use either arm as leverage against another surface if needed.

Building codes often require that specific types of buildings have handrails on each side of all flights of stairs. If you suffered an injury from a fall down a stairway with no handrail, this might put you in the position of bringing a lawsuit against the building’s owner.

Importance of building codes

Building codes are designed to protect people from falls and injuries that can occur when they are using stairs. They do this by requiring:

● All steps have handrails installed at their top and bottom.

● That these steps be positioned at heights where most users will hold onto them comfortably.

● That there be space between each step so that people can pass one another without bumping into each other or causing accidents while walking up/down stairs.


If you are injured in a stair accident and have to file a personal injury lawsuit, there are many factors that may come into play. It’s important to understand how building codes affect your case if you’re going after someone else’s negligence. We hope this article has given you some insight into the issue so that when it comes time for court proceedings, we’ll all be better prepared!