Questions To Be Answered As a Personal Injury Victim after a Car Accident

Car accident cases are particularly challenging for both parties involved. However, it is incredibly difficult for the victim, especially if he/she has had to endure some dramatic injuries and is left with permanent or temporary disabilities. The last thing that victims of car accidents want to deal with is long hours of questioning on behalf of the insurance company. Based on your answers, they will process the claim all the while trying to lower the amount of compensation.

A lot of lawyers in Ontario are well aware of the slippery slopes that these questions are capable of introducing, and that is why they are usually going to prepare their clients for what may be asked. This is why we are going to provide you with a comprehensive line of questions that you are going to need to answer and how to prepare for them.

Provide us with a brief description of your house, including bathrooms, facilities and everything in relation.

While this might not seem like something relevant, it most certainly is. Imagine you’ve filed an LTD claim because the doctor has definitively stated that you are having troubles climbing the stairs and are having issues with using the facilities. That’s why you are claiming disability benefits as well as the benefits for a house-helper. However, during discovery or at the interrogation, the insurance company manages to establish that you have no trouble climbing the stairs or that your facilities are usable without the help of a professional. You can see how this is going to hurt your case.

What’s your Facebook/Social Media accounts?

The courts of Ontario have definitively stated that content on Facebook could be relevant to your personal injury action. With this in mind, a picture of you partying with friends when you are supposed to recover at home might be quite damaging. Ensure that you don’t post anything that can remotely damage your chances of getting compensated. Don’t be tagged in posts or post photos to jeopardize your case.

What’s your education level? Where did you work before the accident?

These are aimed towards establishing the loss of income that you are claiming. With this in mind, it’s important to take them into thorough consideration because they are going to have a paramount impact on the outcome of the claim.

There are tons of questions that could be asked. These in particular are related to claims which are aimed towards getting disability benefits because in the majority of cases they are the most claimed. Furthermore, they pose a lot of challenged and there are a lot of things that could go wrong, especially if the victim fails to answer the question line as he should. The insurance companies are well versed and know how to make you walk in their traps. That’s why it’s the responsibility of your injury lawyer to prepare you as much as he can in order to avoid this.