What are Medical Liens in a Personal Injury Case?

This is a particularly interesting topic because it’s unknown for a wide range of people who seem to be sharing the same common misconception. You have to understand that the law doesn’t provide you with a chance to enrich yourself in any way. The main intention of every single regulation in personal injury law is to compensate you for the damages that you have had to incur and not to add some additional assets to your current financial condition. This means that you are entitled to as much as you’ve spent or you’ve had to endure and that’s left to the discretion of the court or it’s settled in the insurance policy that you’ve signed. (more…)

Signs indicating that Your Benefits are about to be cut off by the Insurance Company

Most people don’t realize the amount of stress that a person endures when they are forced by injuries to file for long-term disability benefits.  However, knowing that those benefits could be cut off without notice is considerably more so, especially if you are still recovering from those injuries and are unable to work.  While this could be an extremely unpleasant experience, there are certain signs that indicate the insurance company is about to cut those benefits off. (more…)

Personal Injury Law and Spinal Cord Injuries

As with most personal injury lawsuits, spinal cord injury claims are very complex cases to deal with in court and at the negotiating table.  In many spinal cord injury cases, the individual is oftentimes left permanently disabled as a paraplegic or a quadriplegic.  In addition to their physical disabilities, there could also be a great deal of psychological damage when the person can no longer work.  Worst of all, spinal cord injuries can and oftentimes do leave the families of these victims financially devastated. (more…)

Debunking the top 5 Personal Injury Law Myths

Personal injury law is without a doubt one of the most complex yet interesting areas of Provincial law in general.  Unfortunately, it is oftentimes littered with myths and many preconceived notions about the rights we are entitled to.  The public is constantly being bombarded by extreme, over-the-top advertising and sensational cases to hear and/or read about every day.  However, if you’ve been considering filing a personal injury lawsuit, be aware of the following myths. (more…)

6 Ways Your Personal Injury Claim could get minimized by the Insurance Companies

If you sustain injuries in any type of accident where the cause may have been another person’s negligence, you could be entitled to compensation from their insurer.  Just keep in mind that as with any other personal injury claim, the insurance companies will always try to minimize the amount of compensation you receive.  In some cases, they will take drastic steps to deny your claim altogether.  There are at least a half dozen ways that they will attempt to reduce how much they’ll eventually pay. (more…)