Is There Total Insurance Cover For Pedestrian Accidents Under Tort Laws?

Pedestrian accidents are quite common because they might involve a wide range of different cases. However, the most common one of them would always be when a pedestrian has been hit while crossing a road. Of course, there is a wide range of different occasions under which this might have happened but it remains the most common cause for pedestrian accidents. This is where the Motor Vehicle Act, RSBC 1996comes into the picture to provide protection for the injured party, which is definitely going to be the passenger. (more…)

Giving Notice and Limitation Periods in Tort Cases

Now, the civil lawsuit as it’s governed by the legislation of the province of Ontario has a lot of stringent procedural regulations which have to be followed thoroughly. In ability to do so is going to render the ruling subjected to appealing which gives the other party the right to repel against it. In any case the presence of attorneys to represent both parties is highly recommended as this is going to insure that their rights are properly sought after and protected. Legal representation is an important part of the civil lawsuit although it’s not mandatory on the first instance. (more…)

What Are The Costs Of Bringing A Lawsuit?

There are a lot of things that you might want to consider prior to filing your compensatory claim under tort laws. You need to be well aware of whether you have strong merit and grounds to rest your case on. This is the initial step that you have to cover. Even if you do have them, you need to make sure that you can prove the entire process. On occasions it’s enough for the defendant to simply refuse being the perpetrator or to use his rights to avoid testifying against his own self and your case might hit a road block. This is why hiring a professional and experienced lawyer in Toronto is amongst the most important things that you have to do. (more…)

Should I file a Claim for My Orthopedic Injury?

There are many types of orthopedic injuries that are seen in personal injury claims and lawsuits.  Some can be less severe in nature and only require a temporary recovery period while others can be extremely serious and a surgical procedure is necessary for the person to heal properly.  In cases such as these, the individual may experience permanent damage that makes a 100% recovery very difficult.  With that being said, there may be a need to consult with a personal injury lawyer and their legal team. Don’t delay it any further because you do need to be compensated. (more…)

Factors to be aware of when Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

With the legal assistance of an injury lawyer in Ottawa and their support staff, a person can file a personal injury lawsuit against businesses, government agencies, individuals, or organizations if they have caused personal financial loss or injury.  Your right to file suit or litigation will not be affected, no matter if the cause of your injuries and/or losses was intentional or unintentional. (more…)