What Are The Ways The Insurance Company Is Able To Evaluate Fault In A Claim?

When someone is involved in a car accident, it needs to be determined who is responsible for the accident, or whose fault it is that the accident happened. Sometimes it may seem obvious who was at fault. And on the surface it could look that way. However, for most insurance companies, this isn’t enough proof. Hard evidence is required, especially if you’re the one trying to make a claim and are not at fault. With hard evidence and solid proof, you can make a stronger argument with your insurance company which will allow you to receive maximum compensation. All insurance companies assess fault in a car accident approximately the same way. Here are some things an insurance company will look at when working on a car accident settlement case and determining who was responsible for causing the accident. (more…)

Know More About Standard of Care In The Canadian Health Care System

In all parts of Canada, including Ontario, you have a the right to expect a good level of medical care that benefits you and doesn’t leave you in a worse situation than you were when you first sought out medical help. If you have reason to believe that you did not receive this level of care, and that the complications and injuries you now experience are a result of the actions of the doctor or medical facility you went to for help, you may have a medical malpractice case. If you suspect this, you will need to consult with an experienced medical negligence lawyer. (more…)

Will My Insurance Cover For Accidents And Injuries Occurring Out of Ontario?

Residents in Ontario, Canada might wonder if their insurance policies cover them for accidents outside of the province. This is a valid question. Those who travel want to have the peace of mind knowing that, should the unexpected happen and an accident occur, they can focus on dealing with the aftermath of the accident without the additional strain of financial concerns. (more…)