All You Need To Know About Insurance Claims After Hit And Run Accidents

Have you ever wondered what is going to happen in a hit and run accident in which one of the drivers who was involved in the crash left the scene? How are the police going to determine the driver at fault and where is the injured party going to be claiming his compensation from?

Under regular and convenient circumstances, when a hit and run accident takes place, it doesn’t really matter who is the driver that’s at fault. If you were driving the car and it had insurance, you would quickly contact your own insurance company. Why is that? Because we live in a province which institutes the convenient “no fault rule” What is that? This is a regulation which is set forth in certain Canadian provinces as well as in a lot of the States of the USA. It stipulates that the injured party is capable of seeking reparations for the damages that he had to incur from his own insurance company.

However, if you were injured as a passenger in another car or other type of vehicle, you would immediately contact the insurer of the same vehicle. This is set forth in the SABS which stands for the Statutory Accident Benefit Schedule. Under it, there should always be an insurer that the injured party is capable of calling in order to make his actual claim

What happens to the insurance for a hit and run accident?

However, what if you were injured as a cyclist or as a pedestrian while you were crossing the street and the driver didn’t care enough to remain at the scene? What are you going to do then?

Now, the MVACF which stands for Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund is going to provide you with compensation as you are part of the people who were injured in accidents when there was no actual insurance available. IT is going to provide you with monetary compensation for your personal injuries.

However, it is also important to understand the things that you are legally required to do in order to make sure that you actually follow the law by the letter.

As a driver you need to:

·         Provide as much help as you can

·         Remain at the scene of the accident

·         Provide all the required information

It’s obvious that this is a situation which is complicated and it requires quite a lot of thought and expertise. This is the main reason for which, should you find yourself in a situation of the kind, you should ensure that you get the assistance of a professional and experienced personal injury lawyer who is going to help you recover the damages that you are legally entitled to. They will represent you while dealing with law enforcement agencies and with the insurance adjuster. This will ensure that you get the legal support that you need.