Do Orthopedic Injuries Lead To Emotional Trauma?

Even though the city of Sudbury is a city located in the province of Ontario and therefore the relevant legislation should be in effect, the definitions and provisions regarding orthopedic injuries concern the whole country. It’s important to understand that this particular area demands a great understanding of complex medical terminology as well as having basic knowledge of the human body. An orthopedic injury can be defined as functional impairment of the skeletal system. Common problem areas involve the spine and the structures which are associated with it as well as the muscles and other ligaments.

It is important to be aware of the basics behind orthopedic injuries because they are the most common physical injuries that the victims are claiming compensation for. It is also important to understand that almost every single accident is going to result in some sort of orthopedic injuries.

Non-pecuniary damages

However, when it comes to an injury of this kind, it’s crucial to note that the more serious cases involve an accompanying claim for non-pecuniary damages, which are also known as emotional damages. This is due to the fact that orthopedic injuries are related with a great deal of actual, physical pain. This has a direct impact on the emotions of a person, often leading to depressions and other traumatic experiences. The thought of the injury itself can be especially damaging. This is accelerated if the injury was especially harmful. For instance broken bones or even more serious spinal cord injuries can cause permanent emotional problems in the person which arise every time they come to think about them. This is because your mind is going to instantly make the association between the injury and the accident.

There is a recent debate amongst academics which argues about which event is more emotionally painful to go through. The pain related to the actual physical orthopedic injury or the memory of the accident itself. The growing belief is that people are not stressed out so much about the actual accident as they are about the pain that it caused them. This is very important. This means that even if the accident wasn’t stressful but it caused significant injuries, the claimant can’t sue for high emotional damages in the process. This is fundamental when it comes to personal injury law. It means that you won’t be limited to the extent of the severity of the accident.

Sometimes the most harmless accidents like a slip and fall can cause tremendous pain and grave orthopedic injuries. However, these emotional damages are not easily proven and you would have to go through a lot of challenges to get the compensation that you are after. Working with an expert can help you get the maximum compensation, and that is why it is important to find a good lawyer.