Can You Sue For A Mild Traumatic Brain Injury?

The legal system provides victims of a mild traumatic brain injury with a way to sue, in order to be compensated for damages. Still, that does not mean that it will be easy to win such a lawsuit. The lawyer for the defendant will seek to minimize the serious nature of your condition.

The subtle symptoms can lead to grave consequences

In the days and weeks after the accident, a mild traumatic brain injury does not cause a lot of pain. It might cause the injured victim to suffer periods of dizziness. Alternately, the mildly traumatized individual could complain about bouts of nausea or of feeling an unaccountable stress. The same person might even exhibit an altered personality.

The absence of pain, bleeding or other harsh symptom might be emphasized by those that do not want to be held responsible for paying for damages. The lawyer for the defendant might suggest that the plaintiff should settle for minimal damages. Yet in the future the victim of a mild traumatic brain injury could face real challenges.

Recommended procedure for someone that could have a brain injury

Any adult or child that has hit his or her head ought to be seen by a neuropsychologist. That specialist has become familiar with the possible cognitive effects of any blow to the head. The specialist’s training has alerted him or her to the fact that what looks like a psychological problem could be evidence of a brain injury.

Every physician that examines a brain-injured patient should be provided a list of that patient’s symptoms, even those that seemed quite mild. While it is a good idea to request that the doctor order a CT scan or an MRI, those cannot detect every sign of a problem. Sometimes, the technician needs to compare the patient’s most recent scan with an earlier one, if one is available.

After any adult of child has suffered a blow to the head, he or she ought to be monitored for an entire year. That monitoring should include more than one visit with a neuropsychologist. If the patient’s level of performance at work or at school has declined greatly, that could be evidence of a real problem.

Such evidence needs to be presented by the Injury Lawyer in Sudbury to those that will be deciding on the strength of the victim’s personal injury claim. Hopefully, it will push them to reconsider any thoughts about denying such a claim. A hit to the head can do real damage to the brain. True, such damage may not show up soon after the accident. Yet that fact does not alter the nature of what might happen in the future. A personal injury claim calls attention to those future uncertainties.